This is a 2 channel version of an 8 channel piece - produced using Max/MSP and Max for Live along with eurorack analog synthesis gear. While the 2 channel recording will give you a good idea of the piece, it of course cannot recreate the spatialization and immersion that happens in an 8 or 16 channel environment.

The piece was originally produced for the CLEAT system developed by Stephan Moore and installed at the Elastic Arts space in Chicago. This is a grid of 16 omni-direction speaker clusters that has quite a unique spatial profile. The piece was then redone into its final form - an 8 channel circular piece - for performances using more conventional 8 channel environments - most recently being performed on an 8 channel system in NYU’s Loewe theater in New York. The piece is based around a number of field recordings I made in Venice as well as in Finland that all share one thing in common: proximity to water - the Mediterranean and the Baltic seas. Hence the name - Mare, Italian for Sea.

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Mare - Stereo Version


Notations (2008) - (remastered and re-released 2020)